Top trends in general management include agile change management to adapt to dynamic business environments, a focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility to boost company reputation and brand, and leadership focused on diversity and inclusion to foster innovation and employee commitment.
Some of its main challenges are:
Your Strategic Ally in Human Resources Solutions
cities we have
recruited in Mexico
Alliances with SMEs
and Multinationals
years helping
Our 5 steps to find the ideal candidate
The executive you will hire tomorrow is not searching for a job today.
Our success lies in searching for passive candidates open to explore opportunities.
100% payment means that a fee is only charged if a candidate presented by Profit & Talent is hired. And this happens until the candidate enters the company. If we do not present the selected candidate, there is no penalty in this regard.
The cost of the service is 1 month of the gross salary of the hired candidate. For positions in the sales area or positions that have a monthly variable scheme, the cost of the service will be the calculation of 1 month of base salary + monthly variable salary.
We are committed to presenting you the first round of candidates within the first 5 to 8 business days of the process. These profiles will already be interviewed by our specialist consultants and there is no limited number of candidates to present. The commitment is to fill the position with the right candidate.
There is a 3-month guarantee at no additional cost from the candidate's entry. This applies in case there is poor performance, resignation, health problems or any issue related to the candidate.
We have nationwide coverage and in the Southern United States. With commercial offices in Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico City and Querétaro. For more information please contact us.
Our personalized solutions adapt to the needs of SMEs and Multinationals, focusing on positions at the Administrative, Head, Management and Direction levels. For more information, please contact us.
The service includes the assignment of a specialized consultant who will present the necessary number of candidates to successfully fill the position, advice on defining the profile and salary range, application of psychometric tests, preparation of job references, guidance on the economic offer and personalized support throughout the process.
It is a video recording of the candidate lasting between 1 and 3 minutes where they respond to key aspects of the position in a very specific way. The main advantage of the video application is saving time from poor quality interviews, since it helps us identify the candidate's soft skills in advance.
Finance and accounting
Supply chain
Human Resources
Executive Assessment
Organizational Climate and NOM 035
Organizational structure
Labor Verification
Starting HR in my company
Performance Appraisal
Sales Consulting
Diversity and inclusion
Emotional Intelligence
Team Building
Career Consulting
Looking for a new job